My Portfolio 360 Features on New M2U ID Web: Easy to Manage Future Financial Plans

25 July 2023

Plan your finances with the My Portfolio 360 feature on the New M2U ID Web

New Look of M2U ID Web

Sometimes, planning for future finances can be a headache and confusing. We all want to achieve financial freedom through proper financial planning. However, the complexity often makes us reluctant to do it.

With the presence of the My Portfolio 360 feature on Maybank Indonesia's New M2U ID Web, managing future financial plans becomes easier. You no longer need to feel a headache or spend a lot of time making financial plans. This feature makes it easy to manage your financial plan efficiently.

New M2U ID Web is a revamp of the digital banking platform from Maybank Indonesia. This platform offers a fresh new look and is user-friendly, as well as providing various features that make it easier to manage finances. One of the main features is My Portfolio 360. Through the innovative My Portfolio 360 feature, you can create investment destination simulations and view all of your portfolios at Maybank.

With this My Portfolio 360 feature, you can realize your future goals more easily through integrated goal simulation. This feature offers 23 advantages that you can enjoy, including:

1.  My Portfolio 360

This service allows you to see comprehensively your accumulated assets and loans at Maybank in one integrated view. With detailed information, you can easily monitor your financial progress and manage your assets and loans effectively. This service helps you make investment decisions more effectively and optimize your financial growth potential.

2.  Financial Plan Simulation

This service allows you to easily manage financial plans by simulating financial goals. Using this service, you can set investment goals and see how you can achieve those goals.

My Portfolio 360 on New M2U ID Web gives you a more focused and efficient financial management experience. This feature gives you full control over your financial portfolio, including tracking and managing assets, loans, and financial plans related to the Maybank products that you have.

Come and experience future financial planning with the My Portfolio 360 feature! Enjoy the convenience of managing your financial plan with Maybank Indonesia now.
