With a vision to become a leading financial services provider in Indonesia, supported by fully committed and innovative human resources to create value and serve the community, Maybank Indonesia provides a comprehensive range of products and services according to the needs of individual and corporate customers.
Open Maybank U or U iB Savings Account via M2U ID App, get 10% cashback up to IDR250,000 for every transaction. Make sure to activate the U Goal Saver/U Goal Saver iB account.
M2Uアプリを通じて “Maybank U” 又は “Maybank U iB” 口座を開設し、“U Goal Saver” 又は
“U Goal Saver iB” を設定すれば、最大10%(上限IDR 250,000)のキャッシュバック
Have Maybank Giro MultiCurrency, manage various foreign currencies in one current account. Practical and easy savings for your international financial needs.
Maybank Giro Multicurrency口座をお持ちになれば、1つ口座で7つの外貨が管理できます。お客様の国際的な資金ニーズに応じて便利で使いやすい普通預金口座です。
Apply for Maybank JCB Credit Card, get a shopping experience with various exclusive benefits and enjoy Japanese style benefits in every transaction.
Maybank JCBクレジットカードをお持ちになれば、様々な特典でお買いものをお楽しみいただけます。日系ならではの特典をご利用ください。
Apply for Maybank Visa Infinite Credit Card, get a shopping experience with a variety of exclusive benefits and enjoy the world with all its privilege.
Maybank VISA Infinite クレジットカードをお持ちになれば、すべての取引で様々な特典と特別な施設を備えたショッピング体験を楽しみください。