Voted 8 years in a row as Best Companies To Work For In Asia
by HR Asia Magazine
Year 2023
Best Companies to Work For in Indonesia, from HR Asia (8th consecutive year)
HR Excellence Indonesia, from Human Resource Online
Best HR Team (gold)
Excellence in HR Communication Strategy (gold)
Excellence in HR Innovation (gold)
Excellence in Hybrid Working (gold)
Excellence in Total Rewards Strategy (gold)
Excellence in Talent Acquisition (silver)
Excellence in In-House Talent Pipeline Strategy (silver)
Human Capital on Resilience Excellence Award, from First Indonesia
The Most Resilience Company
Excellence in HC Change Management & Communication Strategy
The Best in Workforce Flexibility & Mobility
The Best Labor Relation
The Best Leadership Development Focus on HC (personal award)
Indonesia Human Resources Award, from Warta Ekonomi
The Best HR Management for The Outstanding Commitment to Improve Employee Competence and Welfare
Year 2022
Best Companies to Work For in Indonesia, from HR Asia (7th consecutive year)
HR Excellence Indonesia, from Human Resource Online
Excellence in HR Talent Acquisition (gold)
Excellence in Graduate Recruitment & Development (gold)
Excellence in HR Change Management (gold)
Excellence in HR Innovation (gold)
Excellence in Covid 19 Response (gold)
Excellence in Workforce Flexibility (silver)
Excellence in The Use of HR Tech (silver)
Excellence in Total Rewards Strategy (bronze)
Best HR Team (bronze)
Grand Winner in Human Capital on Resilience Excellence Award, from First Indonesia
Best of The Best Company
The Most Resilience Company
The Best Employee Value & Performance
The Best HC Based on Technology
The Best Leadership Development Focus on HC (personal award)
Indonesia Human Resources Award, from Warta Ekonomi
The Best HR Management for The Outstanding Exceptional and Comprehensive Development Programs to Elevate The Quality of HR
Year 2021
Best Companies to Work For in Indonesia, from HR Asia (6th consecutive year)
WE CARE – HR Asia Most Caring Company Award, from HR Asia (2nd year of winning, for demonstrating exemplary efforts in creating a culture of empathy and care within the organization)
Grand Winner in HR Excellence Indonesia, from Human Resource Online
Excellence in Corporate Wellness (gold)
Excellence in HR Talent Acquisition (gold)
Excellence in Graduate Recruitment and Development (gold)
Excellence in HR Innovation (gold)
Excellence in Workplace Culture (bronze)
Excellence in HR Communication Strategy (bronze)
Excellence in Leadership Development (bronze)
The Best Organization Structure in Financial Industry, from Isafety
The Most Resilience Excellence Company, from Isafety
The Best Leader Focus in HC, from Isafety (personal award)
Indonesia Human Resources Award, from Warta Ekonomi.
The Best HR Management for Outstanding Talent Development & HR Digital System
Indonesia HR Future Readiness Organization, from SWA (“Very Good” Rating)
Indonesia Human Capital Awards, from Economic Review
The Best Indonesia Human Capital (BUKU III Bank Category) (Platinum-A-Very Excellent)