Perform transaction every month, earn cash reward 10% or maximum IDR100,000 from your total transaction every month.
Period 1st March – 30th June 2021
Terms and conditions:
Increased of total balance in Rupiah currency for Maybank Savings Account and/or Individual Current Account minimum IDR2 million at the end of every month compared to total balance at the end of the previous month, and perform transaction minimum 4x every month with accumulated balance of IDR1 million of the transactions below:
Transaction using Maybank Debit Card, and/or
Transaction with Maybank QR Pay, and/or
Bill Payment transaction (‘Bill Payment’ menu) via M2U ID App/Maybank2u
Calculation of total balance in Maybank Savings Account/ Individual Current Account and the transaction, will refer to Maybank Savings Account/ iB Savings Account (excluding Akad Wadiah), Woman One/Woman One iB, SuperKidz/SuperKidz iB, TabunganKu, Simpel/Simpel iB, MyArafah, Co-Branding Maybank Finance, Pro/Pro iB, MyPlan/MyPlan iB Savings Account and Maybank Current Account/ iB Current Account Customer’s product(s) in Rupiah currency (except joint account AND/OR).
Cash reward would be credited each month for Customers who are deemed eligible for this Program, maximum on the fourth week of the month after to the account with the highest balance.
In the event the Customer is also eligible for Bonus Interest program, cash reward would be credited to program with the highest cash reward nominal. More info click here
PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk reserves the right to cancel, postpone, extend or terminate this program before; with variety of deleting or adding any terms and conditions by making announcement based on the prevailing regulation and shall be informed in