Set Aside Some of your Sustenance for Alms & Zakat Through the M2U ID App

28 March 2023

Increase Goodness in the Holy Month of Ramadan by Paying Zakat & Alms

How To Pay Zakat & Alms

The month of Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims throughout the world. During this holy month, Muslims are recommended to pray more, including charity and paying for Zakat. Zakat is one of the essential things that is needed to be complied with by every able Muslim and zakat is divided into several types. Here are different types of zakat such as zakat on income and Zakat al-Fitr which is important to be paid in the month of Ramadan.

Paying zakat on income is a part of zakat mal (zakat on wealth) that is needed to be paid by a Muslim for the asset that comes from their income /regular earnings from work that reach a certain Nishab . Zakat is calculated from the income that you received in a year and needs to be paid as much as 2,5%. However, Zakat al-Fitr is needed to be paid for by every Muslim that has reached the age of Baligh and is able economically. Zakat al-Fitr is paid since Ramadhan and is the latest to be paid before the Eid prayer.

Not only paying for zakat, but charity is also one of the important worship that is recommended to be done. Continually giving alms can give blessing and fortune to those who are doing it. Charity can help in increasing social awareness and reducing social inequality in society.

*The Nishab for zakat income (2023) is 85 grams of gold or the equivalent of IDR 81,945,667 per year or IDR. 6,828,806,- per month. So if your monthly income exceeds the monthly Nishab, you must pay zakat 2.5% of that income. (Source link: )*

To easily paid for zakat and charity, you can do several payment methods, such as :

1.   M2U ID App

You can put aside some of your fortunes for charity and pay zakat easily and efficiently through the M2U ID App version of Android. Through the M2U ID App, all types of transactions including charity and zakat can be done on one hand. To pay zakat and charity through the M2U ID App, you can follow the steps below:

  • Download M2U ID. Then log in to the M2U ID App.
  • Choose payment of bill in the menu bar on the screen below.
  • Choose “Zakat and donation”.
  • Choose the source of payment account. Click a product and click “next.”
  • Include the amount that you would like to pay, and click “OK”.
  • Click “Process” and make sure that all data is right. Then click next “confirm and ask for TAC”.
  • Insert passcode Secure2u or TAC according to the registered phone number. Then you are done.

2.   M2U ID Web

You can also make zakat payments via M2U ID Web. Follow the following steps to pay zakat and charity through the M2U ID Web.

  • Login M2U ID Web
  • Click the “account and transaction” tab
  • Click “Payment Bil” and then select “payment of other bills”
  • Choose “Zakat” as a category of the bill. Then, choose a bill.
  • Choose the source of income and the total zakat that would like to be paid
  • Make sure all data is right, click “request SMS Token/ TAC”
  • Insert the Secure2u passcode or TAC according to that is sent to your registered phone, and you are done

3.   Through the nearest Maybank ATM

Zakat or charity can be done through the nearest Maybank ATM. Check the nearest Maybank ATM location here.

PPayment of Zakat and donation through Maybank is the right choice as it is channeled to trusted zakat and alms management institutions such as Rumah Zakat, Baznas, Dompet Dhuafaand, and many more. Apart from being trustworthy, paying zakat and alms through services bill payment from Maybank is safe and practical. You can also pay anywhere and anytime in one hand. Easily and efficiently payment of zakat through the M2U ID App can help you to arrange finance daily and monthly but still be able to share blessing fellow Muslims that are in need.

Let's set aside your sustenance through the bill payment service! Multiply goodness in this holy month with Maybank Indonesia.