Through Go To School program, Maybank is here to provide solution not only for School in managing finance and supporting transaction facilities to become more efficient, but also to provide benefit for Student Parents who have entrusted their Children to receive the best education in achieving their dream.
Convenient & easier tuition fee payments
Maybank Virtual Account
Transact payments from any Bank to Maybank Virtual Account
More DetailConvenient & easier tuition fee payments
0% Installment
Use Maybank Credit Card for up to 12 months installment.
More DetailChildren’s education savings account
Plan the best education for Children to achieve Their dreams.
BPK Penabur Bandung
Highscope Rancamaya Bogor
Yayasan Kemurnian Jakarta
Sekolah Lentera Kasih Jakarta
Kinderfield School Jakarta
SD Baptis Palembang