Mudharabah Mutalqah is a contract in which a fund investment transaction is from the owner of the funds (shahibul maal)/customer to the fund manager (mudharib)/bank which is not limited by type of business, period (time) and/or place of business.
Maybank MultiCurrency Current Account iB benefits
Customers can have several currencies at the same time with only one account opening process. There are 7 foreign currencies, which are:
Account Opening Conditions
Account Conditions
Account fees:
Free outgoing transfer fees via internet banking including M2U ID Web and M2E*
Transaction Type |
Internet Banking |
Transfer fee |
Free of charge |
Provision/Commission |
Free of charge |
Free deposit/withdrawal fees for Bank Notes at teller counter (similar foreign currencies)*
With the Same Currency |
Deposit of Bank Notes (there are provisions for acceptable series) |
Free of charge |
Withdrawal of Bank Notes ≤ USD5,000/month |
Free of charge |
*) Follow the applicable provisions and changes (if any).
Maybank Giro MultiCurrency is a Savings Account in the form of a checking account in several foreign currencies at once which is practical and easy.
Customers can have several currencies at the same time with only one account opening process. There are 7 foreign currencies, which are:
Free outgoing transfer fees via internet banking including M2U ID Web and M2E*
Transaction Type |
Internet Banking |
Transfer fee |
Free of charge |
Provision/Commission |
Free of charge |
Free deposit/withdrawal fees for Bank Notes at teller counter (similar foreign currencies)*
With the Same Currency |
Deposit of Bank Notes (there are provisions for acceptable series) |
Free of charge |
Withdrawal of Bank Notes ≤ USD5,000/month |
Free of charge |
*) Follow the applicable provisions and changes (if any).