Prita Ghozie
Financial Planner
Realize your financial goals by setting a financial plan with 360 Digital Wealth feature. How to determine financial goals and the importance of portfolio diversification.
Join Online Webinar
Cerdas Atur Keuangan Dalam Genggaman Friday, July 29th 2022 | 4.00 – 6.00 PM (WIB)
Managing income is an important skill that everyone should have. Managing your asset portfolio, loans and expenses is now even easier, all at your fingertips via M2U ID App. You can realize your financial goals by setting a financial plan with 360 Digital Wealth feature. It's time to discuss how to determine financial goals and the importance of portfolio diversification with Prita Ghozie (Financial Planner) !
Get e-vouchers of up to IDR450,000 by saving and investing with 360 Digital Wealth feature and also opening Maybank RDN Savings.
Cerdas Atur Keuangan Dalam Genggaman
Friday, 29th July 2022 | 16.00 -18.00 WIB
16.00 WIB
16.10 WIB
Speaker Introduction
16.15 WIB
16.20 WIB
Presentation by Speaker : Prita Ghozie (Financial Planner) “Cerdas Atur Keuangan dalam Genggaman”
17.05 WIB
Question and Answer Session
17.25 WIB
17.35 WIB
17.45 WIB