M2U ID Registration
Use M2U ID App for convenience in banking transactions anytime anywhere, all in your hands. Register now!
More info M2U ID App click here
How to Register M2U via M2U ID App
Choose “Daftar M2U” (Register M2U)
Pilih “Ya” sudah punya rekening Maybank.
Fill in your Bank Account Number and your ATM PIN number. Choose “IDR” as the Mata Uang (Currency) and checkmark the circle to agree to the terms and conditions. Choose “Lanjut” (Continue)
Fill in your desired User ID and Password. Choose “Lanjut” (Continue)
Choose one of the pictures as your Visual Identity. Choose “Lanjut” (Continue)
Verify that your phone number and e-mail is correct. Choose “Lanjut” (Continue)
Input the SMS Token / TAC that has been sent to the registered phone number you have chosen in the previous step. Choose “OK”
M2U registration is complete. Choose “Selesai” (Done)
M2U ID Web (internet banking) with new look! Now do your financial transaction with a more comfortable way. It’s easy and can be used on your day-to-day activities. Let’s re-register on new M2U ID www.maybank.co.id/xxx
Follow the New M2U ID Web guide on the last tabbing of this page Via M2U ID Web (New)
Langkah 1 - Pilih tombol Daftar Sekarang

Langkah 2
- Masukkan nomor registrasi/ nomor rekening/ nomor kartu kredit.
Apabila nomor rekening yang dipilih maka masukkan jenis mata uang/ masa berlaku apabila nomor kartu kredit yang dipilih.
- Masukkan PIN registrasi/ PIN ATM/ PIN kartu kredit
- Masukkan kode captha yang tertera di layar
- Checklist kotak syarat & kondisi
- Klik tombol lanjut

Langkah 3
- Buat User ID & password
- Pilih gambar frasa
- Input frasa untuk gambar yang anda pilih, sesuai keinginan Anda (tulisan bebas)
- Pilih 3 (tiga) pertanyaan keamanan rahasia beserta jawabannya
- Pilih nomor handphone yang akan dipergunakan sebagai TAC
- Klik tombol lanjut
Keterangan :
- Nomor handphone & email yang dimasukkan harus yang sesuai dengan yang didaftarkan di Bank.
- Jika ada perbedaan pada nomor handphone & email nasabah harus datang ke cabang untuk dilakukan pengkinian data.

Langkah 4
- Pilih rekening yang akan terhubung (Link Account)
- Pilih registrasi SMS+ Banking
- Buat PIN SMS+ Banking 6 digit angka
- Pilih nomor handphone yang akan digunakan untuk transaksi
- Request TAC
- Input TAC yang terkirim ke inbox SMS nomor handphone yang didaftarkan M2U dan SMS+ Banking

Keterangan :
- Jika sudah memiliki SMS+ Banking atau tidak memiliki Tabungan atau Giro , maka pilihan Apply / Register Maybank SMS+ Banking tidak dapat di pilih.
- Nomor handphone yang dimasukkan harus yang sesuai dengan data yang sudah terdaftar di Bank. Jika ada perbedaan pada data nomor handphone, nasabah harus datang ke cabang untuk dilakukan pengkinian data.

Langkah 5
- Registrasi M2U dan SMS+ Banking berhasil

M2U & SMS+ Banking Registration via Maybank Branch
M2U registration can be completed at any Maybank Branch for corporate customers or individual customers who don’t currently own a Maybank ATM or credit card.
Safety Tips
- Your User ID and Password is confidential, please do not write or inform others
- Make sure to log out of Maybank2u after every session
- Never share your Maybank2u user id and password
- Change your password regularly
- Always confirm all your information is correct when making a transaction
- Take note and save your transaction reference number
Use the latest M2U ID Web as a way to make financial transactions with internet banking.
Register now in 2 ways:
With Account Number of the Maybank/Maybank iB Savings Account, or
How to Register with an Account Number from Maybank/Maybank iB Savings Account
Visit M2U ID Web at www.m2u.maybank.co.id and select "Register Now" on the upper right corner of the login page

- Select registration via “Account Number”.
- Enter your account number and select the type of currency.
- Enter ATM PIN.
- Click check after agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
- Click “Continue”.

- Create username.
- Create and re-confirm the password.
- Input your email address and phone number.
- Select your account security image.
- Click “Continue”.

Input the TAC that has been sent to your registered phone number, then click “Confirm”

Your M2U ID Web account registration has been successful.

With Maybank Credit Card.
How to Register via Maybank Credit Card Number
Via Credit Card
Visit M2U ID Web at www.m2u.maybank.co.id and select "Register Now" on the upper right corner of the login page

- Select registration via “Credit Card”.
- Enter credit card number.
- Enter credit card PIN.
- Enter credit card’s expiration date.
- Click check after agreeing to the Terms and Conditions.
- Click “Continue”.

- Create username.
- Create and re-confirm the password.
- Input your email address and phone number.
- Select your account security image.
- Click “Continue”.

Input the TAC that has been sent to your registered phone number, then click “Confirm”

Your M2U ID Web account registration has been successful.

Registration Terms
Customers must own one of the following Maybank accounts: Savings Account, Current Account, Credit Card or Credit Card Account.
Customer Care
If you experience any problems with M2U ID App or M2U ID Web,
you may contact Maybank Customer Care at 1500611 or e-mail: customercare@maybank.co.id