
Enjoy complimentary green fees at 100 golf clubs in 19 countries for Visa Infinite Visa Credit Cardholders.

A. Program Description

Complimentary green fees for Main and Supplement Visa Infinite Credit Cardholders at 100 golf clubs in 19 countries.

Period until 31 December 2025.

B. Terms and Conditions

Maybank Visa Infinite Credit Cardholders is entitled for complimentary green fee in 100 golf clubs in 19 countries with details as follow.

  1. Main Maybank Visa Infinite Credit Cardholders.
  2. The credit cardholders have made a minimum retail spending/ transaction of IDR5 million that is stated in previous month’s billing statement.
  3. Maybank Credit Cardholders are responsible to pay all caddies, buggy and other fees as required by the person concerned.
  4. Please contact Maybank Customer Care at 1500 611 for reservations.
C.Program Mechanism
  1. Place an order at the minimum of 5 working days in advance for weekdays (Monday - Friday) and 7 working days in advance for weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and holidays, but no more than 14 business days before the game.
  2. This program is only valid if the Credit Cardholder contacts Maybank Customer Care at 1500611 and places an order at the golf club of your choice at the desired time. However to note that the desired time is not an entitlement and is subject to availability.
  3. Credit Cardholders are required to bring a minimum guess per flight:
    1. 2 golfers per flight for the game on weekdays.
    2. 3 golfers per flight for the game on weekend and holiday.
  4. Maybank serves as the initial liaison for forwarding golf courses to cooperative vendor management.
  5. The vendor will confirm if the order is successful or if the golf club is not available at the specified time, the vendor will provide an alternative schedule (if any) to be chosen by the credit cardholders per order, along with fees (caddy, buggy, and other fees).
  6. The Credit Cardholders will be contacted again to confirm the booking schedule.
  7. The Credit Cardholders are required to approve thru recording for debit (debit instruction) Maybank  Credit Card in accordance with the fees charged.
  8. Fees charged are: caddy fees, buggy fees and other fees will be debited to Maybank Credit Cards in Rupiah.
    *Caddy fees, buggies and other fees (depending on each golf club)
  9. The bank will send a confirmation of success/failure of payment to the credit cardholder.
  10. The Credit Cardholders can play a maximum of 1 times in 1 month
D. Payment, Cancelation & Refund
  1. This program is only provides free green fees, other costs such as caddy, buggy and other fees will be borned by the Credit Cardholders.
  2. If the credit Cardholder brings the guest to play together, the guest fee will be borne by the Credit Cardholders and payment will be debited along with other costs to your Maybank Credit Card.
  3. Your Maybank Credit Card will be debited in accordance with the fees agreed by the Credit Cardholders and confirmed by phone by Maybank (recording).
  4. There is no refund if there is cancellation at any reasons.
  5. For the games that has been booked can not be reschedule.
  6. If when the tee-off day/date the credit cardholders is not coming or if the Credit Cardholder has confirmed "ok" and the Credit Cardholder cancel the order, Maybank will charge the green fees that will be debited to your Maybank Credit Card
E. Terms & Other Conditions
  1. The Credit Cardholder has the obligation to ensure that the card is active and not in a state of late payment or being blocked.
  2. The success of the booking will depend on the availability of the time slot and place of the golf club concerned.
  3. The Credit Cardholders is responsible for collecting the minimum number of players and if the person concerned fails to fulfill it, there will be possibility to be paired with other players in accordance with the respective golf club policies.
  4. Terms and conditions of each golf club apply.
  5. The Credit Cardholders will not be given entry access if there is no prior booking confirmation.
  6. Golf clubs participating in this program are subject to change, without prior notice to the Credit Cardholders.
  7. Please contact Maybank Customer Care again at 1500611 if there are things to be asked / problems in the booking process
  8. Maybank has the right to make the final decision If there is a difference of opinion.
  9. The program cannot be used by the Credit Cardholders who do NOT meet requirements or guests with golf promotions or to participate in golf tournaments.
  10. Maybank Indonesia and vendors are not responsible and Credit Cardholders cannot make claims or claims for (i) bodily injury, (ii) damage to goods.
Golf Club List