Update your email address data immediately by contacting Maybank Customer Care at 1500611 or visiting the nearest Maybank branch office in order to monitor and get information about your mutual fund.
Based on the Financial Services Authority Circular No. S-678/PM.21/2019 dated 13 June 2019 concerning Acuan Kepemilikan Sekuritas (AKSes) for customer investment product reporting through Sistem Pengelolaan Investasi Terpadu (S-INVEST).
With the Benefits of AKSes - Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) for Maybank Mutual Fund clients as follows:
- To be able to access real-time information of Customer’s investment portfolio ownership and its transactions in the KSEI system for the last 30 days;
- Providing convenience to consolidate their portfolio reports spread across several Securities Companies or Custodian Banks;
- Fostering trust and security to invest in the capital market by opening Sub Accounts that can be monitored directly by the investors themselves;
- Providing additional and transparent information in the Indonesian capital market.
For more info please Click here