Cash Withdrawal Without Card at Maybank ATM is Easy and Practical

09 July 2024

Easy Cash Withdrawal Without Card at Maybank ATM

Guide Cash Withdrawal Without Card

Currently, people still use debit/ATM cards to withdraw cash from ATM machines. This makes the debit card a mandatory thing that cannot be left behind when going out of the house. However, in today's digital era, there is a practical solution that makes it easy for people to withdraw cash from ATM machines without the need to use a physical card.

The cardless cash withdrawal feature is now widely available at various banks, including Maybank Indonesia, which can be relied upon in various situations, especially when the ATM debit card is left at home and is in need of cash. In addition, this feature can also be a temporary solution when your debit card is lost or damaged, and there is no time to arrange a replacement card. With this feature, you can simply use Maybank Indonesia's mobile banking application, M2U ID App, to make cash withdrawal transactions.

Advantages of Cardless Cash Withdrawal Feature

There are several advantages of the cardless cash withdrawal feature including;

1.   Practical and Convenient

When you need cash but have left your debit card behind, there is no need to worry because there is a cardless cash withdrawal feature. With this feature, you can withdraw cash simply by scanning the QR code on the banking application.

2.  Higher Security

With the cardless cash withdrawal feature, you can avoid the possibility of skimming or possible criminal acts at the ATM booth. In addition, the risk of swallowing your debit/ATM card can also be avoided.

3.   Avoiding Loss When ATM is Lost

Losing your ATM debit card is an inconvenient situation. One of the disadvantages when an ATM debit card is lost is that it can be misused by irresponsible parties. With the cardless cash withdrawal feature, you don't need to carry your debit/ATM card everywhere, thus minimizing the loss.

Maybank makes it easy for customers to withdraw cash without a card at the nearest Maybank ATM How to use the cardless cash withdrawal feature, as follows.


Here are the steps you can follow to withdraw cash without a debit card at Maybank ATM:

  1. Open and login to the M2U ID App. Next, click QR Pay

    1. Account source and limit follow QR settings in M2U ID App.
    2. The daily limit of QR Pay in M2U ID App is a maximum of Rp20 million.
  2. Select Cash Withdrawal menu without a Card on the ATM screen
  3. Choose the amount you want
  4. Scan QR on the ATM machine screen with M2U ID App
  5. Choose process
  6. Click confirm
  7. Transaction is successful and please take your money

For complete information on how to withdraw cash without a card at the nearest Maybank ATM, please visit this page.

How to withdraw cash without a card above can help you make cash withdrawals without the need to use a debit card. This is a practical and safe solution especially in emergency conditions. You only need to come to the nearest Maybank ATM to get this convenience.

Information on the nearest Maybank ATM can be found on this page.

The cardless cash withdrawal feature offers a modern and efficient solution to meet daily financial needs. Use the cardless cash withdrawal feature via M2U ID App. Let's download M2U ID now!