Long-Term Investment Options

21 November 2022

Easy & Practical Investment

How to Open a Mutual Fund

Start investing now, and yield the results later. The longer the period, the greater the profits. Here are some long-term investment options to choose from.

A common misconception is that investing money for business capital is a good idea. According to Investopedia, investment is defined as "the purchase of assets or goods with the intention of generating income or increasing value."

As a result, investment can be financial as well as physical. One thing is certain, investing entails spending money with the expectation of receiving higher returns in the future. In other words, money or assets will be created in a way that allows them to be used in the future.

Investing offers several advantages. As an illustration, long-term investing usually results in an increase in the value of both capital and assets. Growth can even exceed the value of interest earned on savings.

Furthermore, investment can provide investors with additional income. Compound interest, or the compounding effect, will provide lucrative returns, particularly for long-term investments.

Do you wish to begin investing? Here are some long-term investment options to consider. The benefits of this type of investment are usually significant after five or ten years.


Saham dapat diartikan sebagai bukti kepemilikan nilai perusahaan atau bukti penyertaan modal. Investor bisa membelinya di pasar modal untuk memperoleh saham sebuah perusahaan terbuka.

Saham merupakan salah satu contoh investasi jangka panjang yang memberi imbal hasil tinggi. Investor bisa memperoleh profit dari kenaikan nilai saham serta dividen. Namun, karena return yang didapat besar, risiko berinvestasi saham juga tinggi.


Shares can be interpreted as proof of ownership of the company's value or equity participation and to obtain shares of a publicly traded corporation, investors can purchase it on the capital market.

Shares are one example of a long-term investment that provides high returns. Investors can benefit from the increase in the value of shares and dividends. Because the risk of investing in stocks is high, the returns are high as well.

Precious Metals

Precious metals, such as gold, are appealing long-term investment options when included as a physical investment. It is appropriate for conservative investors because the risk is lower than shares.

However, compared to stocks, the returns will be lower. Nonetheless, gold's long-term price tends to rise, so this is still an ideal investment option for investors.

Real estate

Real estate is an example of a secure long-term investment. Because real estate prices tend to rise, the risk is relatively low. Real estate rental can also benefit investors.

Nonetheless, investors must be able to select the right real estate in order for its value to increase. In addition, there will be maintenance costs to consider, so taking careful consideration before investing in real estate is advised.


Deposits are investments that can be withdrawn only at specific times and under specific conditions. It is the least risky long-term investment option. You can put some money into a savings account with the goal of earning interest. Deposit interest is higher when compared to ordinary deposits. However, it may still lose value due to inflation.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds, according to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), are a repository for public funds managed by a legal entity known as the Investment Manager. The proceeds are then invested in stocks, bonds, and money market instruments.

Mutual funds are an excellent choice for investors seeking high returns without taking on the high risks associated with stocks. Furthermore, mutual funds are less expensive than stocks. Suitable for inexperienced investors looking to make long-term investments.

Beberapa ide investasi jangka panjang itu dapat Anda pilih. Namun, dari semuanya, investasi reksa dana paling direkomendasikan apabila Anda belum memiliki pengalaman dalam berinvestasi. Anda bisa mendapatkan imbal hasil yang menarik dengan risiko yang dapat dikelola, misalnya dengan melakukan diversifikasi investasi ke beberapa kelas aset reksa dana yang berbeda untuk meminimalisasi risikonya.

You can choose some of the investment options from the list above. However, if you have no experience in investing, mutual funds are the best option. By diversifying your investment across multiple mutual fund assets, you can get attractive returns with manageable risk.

Also, you do not have to keep track of your investments on a daily basis because Investment Managers will handle it professionally. There is no need to be concerned about transparency because the unit prices for mutual fund participation are available in a variety of media. Furthermore, the investment is kept at Bank Kustodian (BK) rather than the Investment Manager, ensuring security.

Mutual funds can also be purchased for as little as IDR 100,000 and are relatively liquid. You can sell your mutual fund participation units at any time because the Investment Manager is required to buy them back from investors.

Are you thinking about investing in mutual funds? Check out Maybank Mutual Funds now! Our professional Investment Managers will manage your investment to provide profitable returns. Aside from that, you can easily purchase it with the M2U ID App.

So what are you waiting for? Choose Maybank Mutual Fund investment for a better future.