The Indonesian Government aims to increase the market share of sharia finance to 20 percent by 2024 from 8 percent in 2019. However, bridging the gap would require a greater support from all stakeholders including industry players, the government, regulators and the supporting parties. Besides, the industry still remain vigilance amid the turmoil of dynamic global situation of Covid 19 plague crisis.
Beyond those concerns, Maybank Indonesia always believes shariah finance industry has a huge chance to be at the heart of society. In addition to creating opportunities and growth through the business, this industry also fulfils social responsibility by fostering unique and sustainable values that have a positive impact on society.
On the back of this spirit, since 2014 ‘Shariah First’ philosophy has driven Maybank Indonesia's strategy. Six years on, the
Shariah First policy has translated into significant growth and share of Shariah banking. Maybank-Unit Usaha Syariah (UUS)
contributes almost 20% of Maybank Indonesia's asset. This strategy has proven effective, resulting in positive outcomes in
terms of financials, product innovation, services, environment and culture. It enables us to deliver our capabilities on how,
when, where and what in response to our customers’ wants and needs.
In line with the commitment of ‘Shariah First’, Maybank Indonesia would like to bring forth important discussions among the key stakeholders to highlight the challenges facing industry and deliberate potential and actionable solutions through“Shariah Thought Leader Forum Series”.
Agenda of the Maybank Indonesia Shariah Thought Leaders Forum 2020
10:00 AM
Breaking into Mainstream (Industries' experiences)
10:50 AM
Dealing with era of The New Normal (Post-Covid 19)
Developing sustained growth trajectory (Post 2023)
12:00 AM
End of session
Here are some of Maybank Indonesia Shariah Thought Leaders Forum 2020
Chairman of the Board Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) - TBC
CEO of Maybank Indonesia
Managing Director, DVA Consulting & Partner, Gateway
Director of Islamic Banking Regulation and Licensing Directorate Financial Services Authority (OJK)
Group Head of Sharia Banking Maybank Indonesia
Business Practitioner
Executive Director KNEKS
Founding Partner & President Karim Consulting
CEO of Investment Account Platform