Mutual Fund
An investment fund that is used to pool money from investors to be further invested in the securities portfolio by the Fund Manager (reference to the Undang-Undang Pasar Modal No. 8 Tahun 1995).
Objectives of Mutual Fund
To optimize the return in the form of investment value growth with diversified risks and stable liquidity, through investment instruments in the capital market.
Mutual Fund via M2U ID App
Starting from IDR100,000 you can now subscribe, both one-time or auto debit, to a variety of Mutual Fund products. Top up, redeem and check your investment portfolio, all from your fingertips.
Discover a broad range of Mutual Fund products to fit your needs. M2U ID App is a 24/7 App ready to fulfill all of your needs anytime, anywhere,
Guide to Mutual Funds via M2U ID App (click here)
Funds are managed by experienced Fund Managers who expertise in the field so investors are not required to analyze the market fundamentally and technically.
There are various investment instruments such as stock, fixed income or money market. One important factor to minimize risk is through diversification by investing in a number of companies in a wide range of industries and sectors, so the investment fund does not depend on just one type of investment. "Don't put your egg in one basket".
Investment in Mutual Fund contains risks that require Investor’s attention :
Investment through Mutual Funds carries risks. Potential Investors must read and understand the Prospectus and supporting documents for example fund fact sheet or product brochure before deciding to invest through Mutual Funds. Past performance does not reflect future performance.
Mutual Funds are a capital market product and NOT a banking product; NOT a part of third party deposits tied to a specified period of time and NOT including objects in the government blanket / LPS program.
The Bank is NOT responsible for the performance, risk, and management of Mutual Funds.