Get Blibli e-voucher worth IDR100,000 by opening a Maybank U/U iB Savings Account via M2U ID App. Shopping for your needs is now more economical!
Period 1 November – 31 December 2024.
Open Maybak U/U iB Savings Account Now!
Download M2U ID from Play Store/App Store and open a Maybank U/U iB Savings Account via M2U ID App.
Enter the referral code BLIBLIMB when opening a Maybank U/U iB Savings via M2U ID App.
Referral code:
Maintain a minimum daily average balance of IDR500,000 during the program period and do financial transaction via M2U ID App min. 1x.
Open Maybank iB Savings Account in less than 10 minutes at anytime & anywhere with M2U ID App.