Thank You For Choosing Maybank For Your Transaction Needs.

Before starting, prepare in advance the e-KTP and NPWP to facilitate data entry.

Opening process  in 10 minutes and the process of getting the Hajj portion in 1 day

Free cash withdrawal fees in Saudi Arabia max. 2x/month and Sharia Insurance protection

Direct transactions can be made via the M2U ID App

Details of your Personal Information

Gunakan Email Google
----------------- ATAU -----------------

Details of your Personal Information

Mohon pastikan Anda menggunakan email yang masih aktif. Kami akan mengirimkan link aktivasi M2U ke Email Anda

Details of your Personal Information

Scan your E-KTP

Make sure the e-KTP you use is still valid, because the information on your identity is the main requirement for opening an account


icon photo


icon upload




Make sure everything is filled correctly
Your personal data has been filled in automatically below. Please double check that it is in accordance with your e-KTP

Take a photo of yourself

Before starting, please take a photo of yourself first

Prepare your camera

icon photo



Make sure everything is filled in correctly

Please check again whether it matches your NPWP

Click here if you don't have NPWP

Don't have an NPWP?

Enter Job Information

Fill in your current employment data to complete the savings creation process

Your Financial Data


Your Domicile Data

Correspondence Data

Register Your Internet Banking
To maintain your transaction, please enter your PIN number for M2U Registration.

Select the image below to verify your Internet Banking login.

Secure Phrase: Ant

 User ID  : Minimum 8 Characters
 Password  : Minimum 8 Characters, alphanumeric, consisting of both uppercase and lowercase letter, does not contain name and/or birth date.

Kode Promo, Referral dan Penjualan

Make sure your data input is appropriate and please agree to the terms and conditions below

Persetujuan Penggunaan Data :

A. Verifikasi Data Kependudukan

B. Penawaran Produk dan/atau Layanan Bank

C. I hereby declare that

D. I hereby submit a request to open a Maybank MyArafah and RTJH Savings account and authorize PT Bank Maybank Indonesia to:

Thank you. Your MyArafah & RTJH Account creation are complete!

Terima kasih Pendaftaran Rekening MyArafah dan RTJH Anda telah selesai. Informasi terkait nomor rekening dan akses Maybank2U/ M2U ID App akan dikirim ke email terdaftar. 
Pastikan Anda menerima email dari

Silakan unduh dokumen Akad Wakalah Anda di sini.

  • Download Akad Wakalah di sini
  • Lengkapi data yang tersedia
  • Tandatangan Akad Wakalah menggunakan Materai
  • Serahkan Akad Wakalah saat berkunjung di Cabang Terdekat atau kepada Tim Sales kami


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